1976 Fender Telecaster Custom (USA, Black, Fender HSC)

Sale price$4,500.00


Player grade Telecaster Custom, It'll definitely cure what ails you. 

One of the Keith weapons of 'choice'.

Original super duper Wide Range in the bridge, I don't have the name Seth tattooed on my arm for nowt. Gnarly Dimarzio rails in the bridge...Original pickup is included in the sale but is will need a rewind to bring it back into the land of the living.

This was a cherished, favourite guitar of the previous owner and has more than a few scars to prove its devotion and love. Great arm wear through to the swamp ash body.. Paint is bubbling, worn and just plain nasty. Bridge is running 6 saddles..strap buttons changed to locking type. Pots date to '76.. Wide range to '75. 

Weight is a very handy 4.15kgs, it's not a boat anchor by any means...

Comes with a later 70's plastic Fender hardshell case.

Made in the US of A 



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