2001 Yamaha SGV300 Flying Samurai (Taiwan, Yellow)



Damn fine reissue SGV300, officially known as the ' Flying Samurai, unofficially known as the Flying Banana. 
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind, if you are going to get a 'Flying Banana', then it really should be in this colourway! 

Having had my hands on a few of these, I'd have to say these Taiwanese reissues are very damn good, plays great, sounds great, trem springs right back to where it should, and it stays in tune. 

The one we have here is in good condition, some oxidization on the metal parts..no major dings in the body (please see pictures) Frets have plenty of life, neck is straight..blah blah.

Made in Taiwan, in the Year Of The Fruit Bat.

Serial number 01161099. 

PS. Has a small shadow on the pickguard saying 'The Ventures' if you catch it in the right light..not stock, must have been put there by a fan of good music..

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