c2000s Vaccaro X-Ray (Korea, Purple Sparkle, Gig Bag)



Ok, what does this headstock remind you of? If you were thinking an early Kramer, you'd be damn right. The head of Vaccaro Guitars, Henry Vaccaro was one of the founders of Kramer Guitars, way back in the 1970s. 

So, this guitar does not have a full aluminium neck, it has a aluminium headstock sandwiched to your standard maple, rosewood fingerboard neck. Big chunky frets, and indeed a zero fret too! It has 2 Vaccaro branded pickups, a humbucker and a single coil.

Yep, the X-Ray echoes the Squier Venus (Courtney Love) so in turn probably mimics the Mercury guitar that Fender and Courtney based the Squier off....phew. 

Anyways, this, in my opinion, is a damn fine looking guitar...bloody hard to find around these parts, plus, (and I don't know about you) but I'm a sucker for anything in a sparkle finish. 

Made in Korea. V209091. 

"And the sky was made of amethystAnd all the stars were just like little fish"


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